To schedule an appointment, call 877-41-HORSE



Why will you love the Innovation? If you are an instructor you will love how it puts your students leg in just the right place so they remain balanced like never before. If you are an international competitor you will love how your horse uses himself like never before. If you are a horse you will love not being in pain every time you're tacked up. Innovation, you will love it!


The Innovation Saddles are available in the following sizes & colors:
Seat Size: 15.5, 16, 16.5, 17, 17.5, 18, 18.5
Tree Sizes: N, M, W, XW, XXW, Custom
Flap Lengths: Standard, Short, Long
Flap Positions: Standard or Forward
Billet Lengths: Short
Knee Rolls & Calf Rolls: Standard / Standard
Padded Flap: Standard Smooth Hide
Leather Colors: Black or Brown
Leather Prints: Dollar, Jumbo, Smooth,  Bull Hide